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Mummy Makeover

As a new mom, it is common to experience changes in your body after pregnancy and childbirth. These changes can leave you feeling self-conscious and uncomfortable in your own skin. The good news is that a mummy makeover is a great way to address these concerns and restore your confidence.

Procedure: Mummy Makeover

Duration: 4 – 5 hours

Length of Stay in Hospital : 1 – 3 nights 

Cost in Turkey: €3450 – €5450

Anesthesia: General anesthesia 

Success Rate: 95% 

Final Results: After 6 – 12 months

Scars: YES

Pain: Slight

What is a Mummy Makeover?

A mummy makeover is a combination of cosmetic procedures designed to restore a woman’s body after pregnancy and childbirth. It typically includes a tummy tuck, breast augmentation or reduction, and liposuction. However, the specific procedures can vary depending on your needs and goals.

What is included in a Mummy Makeover?

The most common procedures included in a mummy makeover are:

  • Tummy Tuck: A tummy tuck is a procedure that removes excess skin and fat from the abdomen and tightens the abdominal muscles. This procedure can help restore a flatter and more toned midsection.
  • Breast Augmentation or Reduction: Breast augmentation is a procedure that enhances the size and shape of the breasts using implants. Breast reduction, on the other hand, is a procedure that removes excess breast tissue and skin to reduce the size of the breasts.
  • Liposuction: Liposuction is a procedure that removes excess fat from different areas of the body such as the abdomen, thighs, and hips.

Benefits of a Mummy Makeover

The benefits of a mummy makeover are numerous, including:

  • Restoring Pre-Pregnancy Body: A mummy makeover can help restore your body to its pre-pregnancy shape and size.
  • Boosting Confidence: Pregnancy and childbirth can take a toll on a woman’s self-confidence. A mummy makeover can help you feel more comfortable and confident in your body.
  • Addressing Multiple Concerns: A mummy makeover can address multiple concerns at once, such as sagging skin, excess fat, and breast changes.


Who is a Candidate for a Mummy Makeover?

The ideal candidate for a mummy makeover is a woman who has completed her family and is in good overall health. It is also important to wait at least six months after childbirth to allow the body to fully heal before considering a mummy makeover. Women who are planning to have more children should also wait until they are finished having children before undergoing a mummy makeover.

How is Mummy Makeover Surgery Performed?

Mummy makeover surgery is performed under general anesthesia and can take anywhere from three to six hours, depending on the specific procedures being performed. The surgeon will begin with the tummy tuck, removing excess skin and fat and tightening the abdominal muscles. Next, the breast lift or augmentation will be performed, followed by liposuction to remove excess fat from targeted areas. The incisions will be strategically placed to minimize scarring and will be closed with sutures or surgical tape.

Mummy Makeover Risks and Complications

  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Scarring
  • Adverse reactions to anesthesia

Mummy Makeover Before and Aftercare

Before the surgery, you will need to prepare by avoiding certain medications and smoking. You will also need to undergo a consultation process with your surgeon to ensure that this procedure is the right fit for you and your body has healed from the process of childbirth to undergo a mummy makeover. After the surgery, you will need to wear a compression garment as that helps prevent the accumulation of fluids and swelling in the body. You will also need to avoid strenuous activity for several weeks. Your surgeon will provide you with specific instructions for your aftercare.

Mummy Makeover Cost

The cost of a mummy makeover can vary greatly depending on several factors such as the extent of the procedures, the surgeon’s experience and expertise, the location of the clinic, and the postoperative care required.

If you are considering getting a mummy makeover abroad, you can expect to pay significantly less than what you would pay in neighboring European and American countries.  For instance, a mummy makeover Turkey can cost €3,500 – €4,500

It is important to note that when considering the cost of a mummy makeover, you should not compromise on quality for a lower price. It is crucial to choose a board-certified plastic surgeon who has extensive experience performing mummy makeovers and who works in a reputable clinic with modern facilities.

Alternatives to Mummy Makeover Surgery

If you are not ready for a full mummy makeover surgery, there are alternative procedures that can help you achieve your desired results. These include:

  • Liposuction: Liposuction is a less invasive procedure that can help remove stubborn fat pockets from various parts of the body, including the abdomen, hips, thighs, and arms.
  • Tummy Tuck: A tummy tuck is a surgical procedure that can help remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen, tighten the muscles, and improve the overall appearance of the midsection.
  • Breast Lift: A breast lift is a procedure that can help lift sagging breasts, improve their shape, and create a more youthful appearance.
  • Non-Surgical Skin Tightening: Non-surgical skin tightening procedures like radiofrequency or ultrasound can help improve the appearance of loose, sagging skin and improve skin texture without surgery.

It is important to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon to determine the best course of action to achieve your desired results.

If you are considering a mummy makeover or any other plastic surgery procedure, it is important to do your research and choose a reputable, board-certified plastic surgeon who can guide you through the process and help you achieve your desired results.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

A mommy makeover is not a weight loss procedure, and the amount of weight loss after the surgery can vary from person to person. The primary goal of a mommy makeover is to restore a woman’s pre-pregnancy body shape and contour by addressing changes in the abdomen, breasts, and other areas of the body caused by pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding.

The length of a mommy makeover procedure can vary depending on the specific procedures being performed. Typically, a mommy makeover can take anywhere from 3 to 6 hours, and patients may need to spend at least one night in the hospital or surgical facility for monitoring and recovery.

There is no specific age limit for a mommy makeover, and the best candidates for the procedure are healthy women who have completed their families and are looking to restore their pre-pregnancy bodies. However, the risks associated with surgery can increase with age, so older women may need to undergo additional medical screening to ensure they are healthy enough for the procedure.

Breast augme

It is recommended that patients be at or near their ideal weight before undergoing a tummy tuck or mommy makeover. While the procedure can remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen, it is not a weight loss solution, and patients who are significantly overweight may not be good candidates for the surgery. Additionally, maintaining a healthy weight after the procedure can help ensure the long-term success of the surgery.

ntation is one of the most common cosmetic surgery procedures among women.